The #1 Marketing Method For Your Real Estate Business - REVA Global

The #1 Marketing Method For Your Real Estate Business

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When it comes to growing a business, you need marketing to build brand awareness, drive leads, and ultimately portray why your product or service can provide a solution to the customer. There are a ton of different avenues for marketing and the best method usually depends on your target audience. So what’s the #1 marketing method for growing your business?

Are Facebook Ads the best for growth? Google Ads? Organic posting and sharing? Linkedin scraping? Affiliate marketing? Billboards? Commercials? The list goes on!

So what is best for your business?

Believe it or not, none of these are the best marketing method to grow your business. The best marketing method for your business is consistency! 

It doesn’t matter what specific strategy or platform you are using to market, if you are not consistently marketing and providing new content, you are missing the mark.

Marketing is no easy task though, especially for a business owner wearing multiple hats. Many of us have to juggle our time to perform our daily tasks both at home and at work. 

So how will you find the time to create original content, graphics, promote it, run ads, monitor results, report KPI’s, etc? 

A trained Marketing Virtual Assistant of course! These are low dollar tasks that can eat away hours of your day that could be better spent on income-producing tasks instead that grow your business.

Imagine all your marketing DONE FOR YOU and your business! Get your time back and start scaling your business by passing off these low dollar tasks!

jonah wilson excited

Here are 6 tasks a trained Marketing Virtual Assistant can consistently do to grow your business and keep an active online presence:


Social Media Management

Don’t let your business go unnoticed. Most people are on social media in some form or fashion, engage with your audience through this platform. As an entrepreneur or real estate professional, you probably don’t have a lot of time to manage your business pages.

Social Media Management is one of the most common tasks performed by Marketing Virtual Assistants. Here are a few of the tasks they can take off your plate when it comes to social media management:

     ✅  Posting relevant content on your page

     ✅  Promoting your products and services

     ✅  Engaging with your audience (replying to messages and comments)

     ✅  Content scheduling and graphics creation

     ✅  Strategizing an effective marketing approach

Graphics Creation

Another very time consuming task is developing the graphics used in your marketing. Sure you can use free stock photos and simple images, but when you take time to curate a well thought out graphic with a specific call to action that looks professional, it can really make a difference.

Not only does it look more professional, it gives you more credibility in the fact your team takes the time to curate specific graphics for specific uses with intention.

Here are a few graphic related tasks you can start outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant:

    ✅  Property Flyers

    ✅  Real Estate Brochures

    ✅  Business Presentations

    ✅  Infographics 

    ✅  Business Cards

    ✅  Advertisements

    ✅  Quote cards

    ✅  And so much more! 

How much would it cost to create graphics? Absolutely nothing! This can be done using some free apps like Canva and if you are looking for relevant images for free, you can check out or

Video Editing

Video has quickly become one of the most popular way for delivering content. Most audiences find this entertaining and can easily absorb the information leaving a lasting impression. 

Videos can be shared through Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, etc. and it’s very accessible to anyone with access to the internet. In fact, Facebook will even push your video to more viewers if it’s over 3 minutes long!

Like in crafting graphics, your Marketing VA can do video editing by utilizing some free apps Filmora and OpenShot.

Article/Blog Writing

Writing new articles for your blog is a great way to consistently deliver content and build your SEO value. Articles can be much more powerful than you think for building brand awareness. 

Google will actually rank your website higher for delivering relevant content on a consistent basis. So if you have a new article every week or 2, you are much more likely to be found on a search leading to people visiting your site to read the article.

Once they visit your site, you will be able to re-target them with ads in the future if your Facebook Pixel is active on your site. 

Blogging is an inexpensive way to drive people to the site and get more prospects/clients. It is also a perfect task to outsource to a Marketing Virtual Assistant so you can focus on the big picture tasks. These tasks include:

    Researching topics, content, and resources

    Creating appropriate graphics for the blog

  ✅   Article writing

Email Marketing

Email marketing can be just as effective as social media marketing when done right. This approach can help to nurture your leads and ultimately convert them after so many touches.

Your Marketing VA can be tasked to do the following:

 ✅  Organize/tag a list of contacts based on categories. For example Hot, Warm and Cold Leads. This allows you to send more targeted email campaigns.

 ✅  Craft and send a welcome email to your new followers/subscribers

 ✅  Send a follow-up email to remind them that your services/products exist

 ✅  Filtering out emails, prioritizing the important ones and reply on your behalf

 ✅  Clients need to feel you value them. Send a simple greeting card or e-card on their birthdays, Christmas or other special occasions 

 ✅  Report KPI’s to determine what is working and what is not working

 ✅  Sending out a weekly or monthly newsletter updating them on anything new

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Competitor Research and Analysis

This is a way to identify how your competitors market their services, this would also help you determine how you can apply and refine their strategies.

A marketing VA can conduct competitor analysis by:

✅  Gathering competitor information through advertisements which lays out competitor’s services information and price

✅  To determine objectives & strategies as it gives you an idea to try it in your market

✅  A competitor’s status: Are they expanding or scaling down in the next few months? This way, you would be able to determine how effective their marketing strategies were

✅  How’s their overall services, service price, quality, customer service, etc.



Working with Marketing Virtual Assistants will not only free up your time, but they are also skilled to scale your business. Stop trying to do everything yourself and start focusing on the income-producing tasks that grow your business.

You can create a consistent and efficient marketing strategy by implementing trained Virtual Assistants to your systems.

Stay Consistent With A Marketing Virtual Assistant

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