Best Ways to Find Motivated Sellers with Virtual Assistants - REVA Global

Best Ways to Find Motivated Sellers with Virtual Assistants

For most real estate investors, your pipeline is your most important asset. Let’s dive into the best ways to find motivated sellers with Virtual Assistants to keep fresh leads in there.

Imagine waking up every day to a pipeline of new leads and motivated seller appointments scheduled on your calendar.

Best part? You didn’t have to do the monotonous work yourself!

Here are a few of the best lead generation strategies every real estate professional should be utilizing with a Virtual Assistant.


Cold Calling

Cold calling is one of the best lead generation strategies that you can implement with a Virtual Assistant.

This is an age-old method that proves time and time again to be very effective.

Better yet, it is a perfect task to outsource to a trained real estate Virtual Assistant.

While you can find treasure with cold calling, it can be a massive drain on your time and energy. It can also be quite de-motivating having to listen to a lot of negative comments.

It’s not sustainable to do it yourself and will typically lead to burnout.

With a Virtual Assistant, you can put the repetitive cold calling on auto-pilot and focus on locking up the deals instead.

Here’s how you can implement a cold calling campaign with a Virtual Assistant:

VA Cold Calling Process


You now have motivated leads flowing in, appointments on your calendar every week, and a lot more opportunities to close a deal.

Life’s good!

Put Your Cold Calling on Auto-Pilot

Let our pre-trained cold calling Virtual Assistants do the heavy lifting for you so you can focus on closing the deal.

Text Messaging

Next up on our best lead generation strategies with a Virtual Assistant is text messaging.

Text messaging can give investors mixed feelings as a lead generation strategy, but the fact of the matter is that it works.

And it honestly works pretty well.

Our founder and CEO, Bob Lachance, uses VAs for his text messaging campaigns and he recently just closed a deal with a $71,000 assignment fee from a text messaging lead!

We know it works because we’re in the business and use our own VAs for support.

Implementing a text messaging campaign will be similar to implementing a cold calling campaign but with some slight variations.

Here’s how you can implement a text messaging campaign with a Virtual Assistant:

VA Texting Process

Direct Mail

Third on the list of best strategies for lead generation with a Virtual Assistant is direct mail.

Direct mail can be a slower strategy in terms of waiting for responses, but it is still largely popular for good reason.

The most successful campaigns are ones that are done consistently and in volume.

Too many investors purchase one list, send out postcards, don’t get great results and call it quits.

To truly reap the benefits of direct mail you need to be sending postcards every week. It can be a longer turnaround to get a deal but it can be very lucrative when done right.

Here’s how you can implement a direct mail campaign with a Virtual Assistant:

VA Direct Mail Process

Consistent Follow Up

We can’t stress enough the importance of follow-up in the sales process. If you don’t have a consistent follow-up process in place, you’re missing out on deals you never knew existed.

Before we give you a follow-up process that a VA can implement, check out some of these sales and follow-up stats:

Only 2% of sales close at the initial meeting

The average sales follow-up drop off rates breakdown like this:


44% of sales reps stop following-up after one rejection


22% stop after 2 rejections


14% stop after 3 rejections


12% stop after 4 rejections

92% of people stop after the 4th “NO”

If you’re following up at least 5 times with a seller, you’re already way ahead of the competition!

Couple that with the fact that it takes an average of 7-12 touches for a lead to convert, you can see why follow up is so important.

An average of 70% – 80% (we would say even higher) of all sales are closed through follow up, and 92% of people are stopping after 4 follow up attempts.

If you have a consistent follow up process, you’re bound to close more deals.

Here’s how you can implement a consistent follow up process with a Virtual Assistant:

Lead Follow Up Process

Follow this process and have your Virtual Assistant call, text, and email your leads consistently. 

With a consistent follow up process in place you are guaranteed to be at the top of the sellers mind when they’re ready to sell. 

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Join the thousands of businesses that are using REVA Global Virtual Assistants to grow and thrive.

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